Site Meter a day in the life of..: a sad Korean music video

a day in the life of..

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

a sad Korean music video

yesterday, while browsing thru youtube, i got into this korean(i think) music video. I have seen this video before.. like in 2004 when i was still working in this ofc.. hahaha.. before i transferred and got back into the same ofc.. lolz.

anyway. this video is very sad.... vvvvverrry sad. it talks about a sacrifice. something that most people dont understand. ok for those who cannot watch it, i will try to narrate as true to the video as possible.


there is this guy. a professional photographer. while he was outside shooting some pictures, this pretty girl happen to pass in between him and his subject, and at the exact time he clicked the cam, the girl turned and looked at him. and it was a picture perfect moment. then the girl said sorry and then went her way..

the guy, then went to a parlor and had his hair cut. the girl happens to work in that parlor, and when the guy arched down and put his head in the sink so it can be shampooed.. the girl told the other attendant that she will take her place and put the shampoo on the guy, without the guy knowing it was her..

hmmm.. mushy huh?

anyway. the girl accidentaly put on some shampoo lather on the guys eyes.. and the guy(photographer.. just to refresh ur memry) got angry.. and walked out.. and didnt notice that it was the girl... and he left his bonnet. hahaha

so the girl, returned the bonnet to his studio (hmm isnt this sexy? anyway).. when she got there, the guy was shooting pictures of a streetbike, apparently he is a photographer for a biker's mag.

then they got to know each other.. and he took pictures of her (not naked though.. lolz) and they dated.. blah blah..

but one time.. the girl tried to reach something from the pile of pictures, and then accidentaly tapped the bottle .. the bottle was filled with acid for developing pictures, and the acid splashed on her face... =(

and she was brought to the hospital. and the guy was so mad at himself... and the girl became blind..

the guy was so mad at himself he walked out of the room and out of the girls life..
he rode his bike so fast that we guessed that he would crash but he didnt.. lolz

then.. fast forward. the girl had her eye operated and now she can see.. but when she got back to the apartment the guy wasnt there anymore.. after that she saw their picture (a sort of a collage) was torn apart..

hmm.. she didnt know what happend... and fast forward...

while walking in the park alone.. she saw a blind guy with a dog...

that blind guy.. was the photographer..


he gave up his eyes (technically his life.. so that the girl's life would be normal again)...

nice.. =)

after that being said... here's the link. tell me if i did justice in my narration. lolz.. u gotta watch the mirror part near the end. =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cried so bad...

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg i saw this video a longgg time ago and i could never find it until now...i didnt kno the name nothing. great job narrating cause as soon as i started reading i knew it was the video! thanks...i still cry everytime!:(

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMGGG i want to know the name of the drama!!!!

its so sad!! :(

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in you're blog you gave a play by play of the plot of a korean music video, giving no substantial addition of your own. content creation is not your forte.

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last, I found the song and its MV... Been looking this video for a while and I can't find it. Thanks to you... I like this MV, I wanna cry but, too shy because, been watching it with my husband beside me... He's laughing at me hehehehe :)) Thanks a bunch!

3:01 PM  
Blogger Anusha Leewarakun said...

You are my savior! I've been looking for this video and song, to tell the truth i did not think i could find it since i don't remember the song's name or anything but your post made me discovered it again. Thanks so much. This song reminds me a love past memory i need to listen to it again.

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this video. Once I started reading the description, I knew it was the music video I had seen a long long time ago. I remember the first time I saw it and I still feel the same everytime I watch it.

12:40 PM  
Blogger zanchelyn said...

The title of the music video is 'because im a girl' by kiss it's a korean music video..

12:09 AM  

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