Site Meter a day in the life of..: spare me your french..

a day in the life of..

moved to a new and exciting blog at see you there i created this blog space for me to post my poems, other words, and share it with everyone... post your comments =) if you have blogs, poems or rants that you want to share with me please do give me the link =) ############### please feed my pet erikbaboy ###############

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Location: Cebu, Philippines

i am me as you are he and we are all together. =) i am not a very nice person

Monday, May 08, 2006

spare me your french..

Maybe i was absent, or was sleeping under my chair (hahaha), when we were taught about "society" and how to deal with people. This world, in the perspective of people, is a continuous sine wave. Sometimes in one day, there are 5-15 people affecting me or present physically or mentally. Sometimes, on such lonely moments, there are none.

It is quite amazing. But what amazes me more, well "puzzles" is the appropriate word i guess, is the fact that there are no rules on how we go about our daily lives and interact with other people. Sure there are moral laws, and the laws of man (rights as well) that we have to respect. But we have every inclination to bend them sometimes.. right? e.g. hurt someone.
Hurting someone else. In the natural course of your life, you know you have hurt someone else or cause them trouble, or for some reason annoy them. Well if in any case you havent, I will be glad to teach you how to.

I am writing this now because of two reasons.

Reason 1: I know someone who frequently hurts someone else, not physically (well i was told once, that she did) but mostly verbally. Either there is something so wrong with this person, or there is something so wrong with the other people in her "world". She sees herself as the one that is being wronged-at all the time. Not thinking that it is her own bs that caused her all that. Case in point. She deviated from an agreement on a specific place and time where and when to meet. And she ended blaming someone else for it. I mean. Cmon, just for one second, try introspecting (Socrates would be so damn proud of you... if you did) before you pass the buck. I dont know what kind of childhood or upbringing you went through, but that is not my concern anymore and I have no reason to judge that. We all have to deal with our own dungeons and dragons(what a My concern is that i pity you. And all the people that are in your so-called life. Why? Well, you might one day look back and see how screwed up your life is, and quickly point to the people as the ones responsible for it. hahaha.. i hope you wont include me dude.

I have always thought to myself. Why? I mean, why do you always refer to others when things go wrong. Why wont you take a look at yourself and say, oh yeah, im to blame for this. I think that would be rather brave of you.. mature, i must say, if you can do that. My friend, (lol), i think it is time to face the truth. Your life wouldnt be so messed up if it werent for your own un-doing.

Then again. I dont know you too well. I just wrote this one with the knowledge i have of you and my personal experience. I thank you for being an avid fan of my blog. lol. im so honored.
Reason 2: somehow this relates to the above statement, but this one is of myself. (see, i look at my own faults too dude, so better dig up some dirt too). In the course of my life, i have hurt a lot of people too. Intentionally (as in the case of writing this one. lol x 1M) and unintentionally... or pseudo.

In my search for my own happiness, i came to step on other people's feelings. I shouldn't have, but i did. What comes as a great pain for me, is having to choose for their joys vs mine. With the kind of man that i am, i always choose mine first. But, that is not to say, that the people in my life, family, friends, and other people are not important. In fact they are, they mould me into what I am, and they affect me in random directions and in varying amounts. But i am not like "reason#1" above, whose definition of a bestfriend is someone to blame when she falls on her own pile. lol. Though i admit, that somehow, my actions in a way hurt the people dear to me, but i dont do them as i frequently as "reason#1" and mostly not as intentional.
You know, I feel really uneasy when I feel that I did wrong to someone. Sometimes, im a bit too tackless with my words, when i joke with someone. Totally unaware, or un-xxxx (i dont know the word), that it might offend him/her. But for the purposes of this blog, this is intentional. ahahhah. You know why? Because you freakin pushed me to the limits. =)
Oh yeah, i have thoughts about making a quote/phrase for you while i was preparing to go to the ofc. I hope you are pleased with my simple gift for you.... what can i say, im just a poor boy, and words are the only thing that i can offer you...

"When God decided to experiment, and get away with poetic license in creating mankind... He made you. So abstract, in a way, very special, very un-conventional... But I must say, He made a grammatical error nonetheless... " - anon

hmmm.. cheer up dude. =P

*oh yeah. because of you, i accidentaly moved an mpg file somewhere in my pc and cannot continue burning a dvd. tsk tsk tsk.. but on the bright side, see how much u affect me? =)


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